Author Luke Gracias is visiting India to meet readers and discuss his ‘Crossword Book of the Month – Fiction’ title No Shadow without Light.
New Delhi: In a world desensitised to environmental documentaries, Luke’s historical fiction novels allegorically tell the story of an impending apocalypse. The highway to Armageddon is signposted by historical texts, monuments and climatic events humankind chooses to ignore. These feature in this must-read environmental bestseller, which is a call to action to protect the ‘tools of survival’ needed by the next generation.
The Devil’s Bible is currently held in the National Library of Sweden. It has 12 missing pages, rumoured to contain an apocalyptic text known as ‘The Devil’s Prayer’. Pages written for Jess Russo, the child of the Devil, to find and unleash Armageddon. Only her elder sister Siobhan can stop her by finding these pages first.
From the Templars of Tomar to the Doomsday Chest in London, from the Curse of Amir Temur to the Shadowless Pagoda of Wuhan, the sisters race along the trail of destruction unleashed by each page. For every page that Jess finds, people are encouraged to be selfish, and hoard for themselves, erasing the chances of survival of other species and our future generations. Siobhan appeals to the selfless to protect our resources for the future.
Born in Mumbai and now based in Australia, Luke has worked as an Environmental Specialist for over 25 years. He has travelled extensively to encourage international companies to bring cutting-edge environmental technologies into Australia. This book is a prayer of despair and hope.
You are invited to ‘Meet the Author’ Luke at Crosswords – Kemps Corner on 6 May from 6 pm onwards. Attendees are encouraged to engage in conversation with the author on crucial environmental concerns.
No Shadow without Light is the long-awaited sequel to The Devil’s Prayer—the Shadow Award Finalist 2016 – Best Australian Horror Novel. No Shadow without Light and The Devil’s Prayer are available on Amazon and at all Crossword bookstores.
Website: www.devilsprayer.com.au
Instagram: author_luke_gracias and no_shadow_without_light